
Miele Italy s.r.l.


Miele Management Meeting

4 – 6 June 2024 | Bozen – South Tyrol

Another experience for Miele: this time, a story of beauty and great taste in Bolzano.

For the first day of the meeting, we chose the splendid location GUSTELIER - L'Arte del gusto. And if the first evening saw a convivial dinner in a beer hall, for the second evening we stayed at the Haselburg Castle, a true historical gem.

And finally, on the third day, it was off to celebrate 125 years of Miele at the LUMEN Museum and chef Norbert Niederkofler's Michelin-starred restaurant Alpin, with panoramic views at the top of Plan de Corones.

An event between taste, culture and spectacular scenery!

  • Miele Management Meeting
  • Miele Management Meeting
  • Miele Management Meeting
  • Miele Management Meeting