
Volkswagen Group Italy s.p.a. - Volkswagen Division


VW Logistica Incontra

24 Sept. - 4 Oct. 2012 | Verona

VW Logistica Incontra

From September, 25th to October, 4th 2012 four groups, for a total of about 600 people attended the event which took place at the headquarters of Volkswagen Group Italia in Verona and at the gorgeous setting of Palazzo della Ragione for the gala dinners. The event saw one of the best approval ratings in recent years.

  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra
  • VW Logistica Incontra