PT Cruiser International Launch

PT Cruiser International Launch

Saab Sporthatch Happening

Saab Sporthatch Happening

VW Scirocco Dealers Launch

VW Scirocco Dealers Launch

Subaru NLT Experience

New Volkswagen Tiguan

The headquarters of Volkswagen Group Italia hosted for 11 days a training event dedicated to the launch of the new Tiguan.
70 people a day, of the service department of all Italian dealers, participated in classes and external and inner test drive.
The off-road test drive was really appreciated by all the guests because it gave them the possibility to see the great potential of the new car.
Inside the inner parking, the test drive was designed to explore the technical features of the new Tiguan.

Volkswagen Group Italia showed, as usual, great cooperation and support to our agency that organized the whole event.

(Photo by Ennevi)

Thun Weekend – Naples and surroundings

A journey to discover the wonders of Campania, reserved to Thun Club Members. From Pompei to Vesuvio, from Caserta to Naples, it was a full immersion in the treasures of nature, history and art of this region.
The enthusiasm of the members has been the main ingredient to make this journey special and unforgettable.

Thun-lipan Mania and Infiorata at Noto

Two weekends for the members of the Thun Club with dedicated programmes and activities in the sign of flowers among gardens, parks, special events.

The first trip took place in the province of Verona and was characterized by the visit of the Rive Gauche of the town with the unique Giusti Garden and the splendid Sigurtà Park in Valeggio. The members were then able to attend a “THUN DECORATION” workshop.

Sicily was the theater of the second journey: the guests were able to discover the cities of Syracuse, Noto and Modica on the occasion of the world famous Infiorata flower festival in Noto.

The trip touched several historical landmarks of the Sicilian cities, such as the Archaeological Park of Syracuse, the baroque architectural treasures of Noto and Modica, but offered also some experiential moments such as a chocolate tasting in Modica and most of all the Flower festival in Noto: the flower-masters draw draft of their works on the road and complete them with thousands of flower petals. Via Nicolaci appears as a long and colorful flower carpet.

A journey full of experiences, emotions and joyful fun that Iantra has had the pleasure to plan.

Makro Labelling 10th Anniversary

On the 10th anniversary Makro Labelling, a labelling machines company, invited more that 500 guests, being costumers, clients and employees, to its new premises for a special Sunday party.

The setup was customized in order to personalize the new space with attention to detail.
A live band involved the invitees while others took funny pictures at the photobooth.
The kids had fun too: makeup, magician tricks and final show.

At the event closure, Makro Labelling blew out the candles of its tenth birthday celebrated by all clients and employees.

Press Launch SEAT Tarraco PHEV & Leon TGI

The press launch of the SEAT models Tarraco PHEV and Leon TGI saw the participation of 25 journalists divided into 4 days of events.

Panoramic test drive along the wine roads of Valpolicella and, to follow, open air lunch with view!

40th Anniversary GLOBO

Globo’s 40th anniversary has been an excellent opportunity to arrange a Family Day held in an informal, playful and colourful atmosphere.
200 guests attended the event, including customers, employees and their own families, who were invited to take part in a tour of the company’s offices and show room.

The celebrations dedicated to employees and the sales network continued at the tensile structure next to the Illasi Municipality, where a large open-air playground and many activities dedicated to children and their families were set up.
The participants were welcomed for the gala dinner at the marquee set up and customized for the event. During the evening presentations, prize-giving ceremonies and an exciting raffle were arranged.

A fun-filled event for the special celebration of the company’s 40th anniversary.

Giovani in Teatro – Maecenates

Talent, patronage, beauty: for several years now we have been proud supporters of the Maecenates Cultural Association, with which we organised the ‘Giovani in teatro’ project on 16 November, an evening of dance, music and acting open to the public held at the Camploy Theatre in Verona.

The event was organised in collaboration with Famiglie per la Famiglia ONLUS, to promote encounters with each other and with art.

An event born from great collaboration and passion for a project that aims to support and promote the dreams of young talents in the world of art and entertainment.

Miele Meeting 2023

The meeting for company managers was held in the beautiful setting of Lake Garda in Desenzano.

Two days of intense work, but pleasantly set in the atmosphere of Lake Garda, which allowed the participants to fully enjoy moments of sharing and relationships, especially during the farewell dinner in front of the lake.

Subaru Tokyo Discovery Business Trip

Subaru Tokyo Discovery: Business Trip to Japan

An intense week full of events, meetings and emotional experiences in occasion of Tokyo Motor Show.

Moto Guzzi Product Launch

Moto Guzzi Product Launch

Eurofighter Incoming

Eurofighter Incoming

Human Touch Skoda Convention

Human Touch Skoda Convention